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For the past week up until now, I have been sick with a cold and a very bad cough that seems like it doesn't plan on going anywhere. I have been out of work this week so there will not be a mid-week work ootd. I couldn't leave you guys hanging so here's an outfit that I have worn that had yet made it to a blog post.

Camo (camouflage) looks good on everyone. There are tons of options on how it can can be styled. It can be worn loose or fitted. It can be dressed up or down. There are camo pants, shirts, shorts, jackets, and socks. The colors can be green, brown, or black camo. I've even seen pink camo out there somewhere. It all depends on what kind of mood you're in. Whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll look good. This is one way that I styled my camo pants.

DIY silver studs on back

What do you think of the camo trend? Do you have anything in camo print?


Outfit Details:

Camo Pants - Urban Outfitters
 Graphic T-shirt  - Old Navy Similar
Jacket - Express
Booties -Similar Here and Here
Necklace - DIY


DIY: Sleeveless Studded Cross Sweatshirt and Color Blocked Pumps

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Source: LavishAlice

This DIY is for a studded cross sweatshirt. I cut off the sleeves to give it more of an edge. Supplies needed are
  1. Sweatshirt
  2. Studs (Ebay or StudsandSpikes)
  3. Tweezers
  4. Scissors
  5. Ruler
  6. Cross Template

All Black Everything

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I went to the Brandy and Friends concert last night with Mel and it was really good. I felt like her set could have been longer but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless. Both Mel and I wore all black. You can never go wrong with that. Here's my outfit.

DIY beanie using iron-on letters

DIY studs

I hope you enjoyed your weekend.


Outfit Details:
H&M Blazer Similar
Old Navy Blouse
Target Shorts Similar
Nine West Booties Similar
Target Tights
Target Beanie

Feeling Green

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Hey there! Did you enjoy your extended weekend? I had a good weekend. We went to a surprise birthday dinner, did a little shopping, relaxed, and pushed back the chores to Monday. All was well until I got sick Monday evening. What a great way to get back to work! Having a cold won't stop me from doing what I do but I really wish it would go away. Hence the title of this post. I'm feeling green with envy that I have a cold and you don't. Although I think my sick voice is pretty sexy right now. ;-). Here's what I wore.

DIY: V-Day Hearts

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I decided to do a couple of DIYs in spirit of Valentine's Day. The first project involves elbow patches. I love elbow patches. It mainly comes on jackets and sweaters but you can put it on anything. Most are in the shape of a oval. I made mine using heart shapes. It's fairly easy to make. Supplies needed are felt or fabric, needle and thread, scissors, pins and a heart template. Here are the steps to complete this project.

Squared Away

Wednesday is here and it was very foggy this morning. Hopefully the sun will come out and brighten up the day. Today I went for the mixed prints trend. The prints I chose are similar but with different color schemes. Here's how I styled it.

Sunday Funday: Hoop Game

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So Mel won a pair of tickets to the Cal Women's basketball game against Arizona State. We were told the game began at 2 pm. We arrived at 2:35 pm. The game was over. WTF? Come to find out the game started at 12 pm. Somebody owes us another free pair of tickets. Needless to say we still had fun like we always do. We walked around Berkeley and then went to a silent art auction which was super cool. I placed a bid on one of the drawings so we'll see if I win. Here's what I wore.

DIY: Studded Timbs

I saw some pics on my instagram of gold studded Timberlands. I thought it was a fresh idea so I decided to create some with my own pair of Timbs.
Source: Instagram user - Deyona_D

The supplies that I used were studs, q-tips and glue. I ordered 100 gold pyramid flat back studs from Etsy. These studs come with glue already attached to it. You can heat and stick if you have a heating tool. I don't so I used E-6000 glue and applied it to the back of studs. I used q-tips to put the glue onto the studs and gently placed them into my desired pattern.
To make it more of my own style, I used pyramid studs instead of the bullet studs and I decided to only do one side of the boot instead of all the way around. Instead of adding a printed design to the tongue I added a few studs to the top.
Here's what I wore with the boots.

Do you like the studded Timbs trend? Will you buy a ready made pair or create your own?

Outfit Details:
H&M Blazer, Gap Always Skinny Jeans, Brooklyn Express Floral Shirt, Timberland Boots, DIY Chain and Ring


Mid-Week OOTD - Color Blocking


Happy Wednesday! It's about that time again. This week is all about the colors. Color blocking that is. Color blocking is when you wear 2 to 3 separate pieces in different solid colors. You can choose more colors but 4 is usually the max. Using the color wheel helps in deciding what colors to pair together. You can stay in the same color family or you can be bold and mix colors that wouldn't normally be expected. It also helps if you add one neutral colored piece to your outfit. Neutrals are whites, blacks, grays, and browns. I decided to give this trend a try. I have a decent amount of solid colored tops but not so much in bottoms or shoes. I tend to stick with colors like black and the many shades of brown. I went through what I have and this is how I decided to sport the color blocking trend.

DIY: Gem Embellished Sweatshirt

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I've been a little obsessed with sweatshirts lately. I picked up a few from Walmart in different colors. This sweatshirt project is all about the gems. I got the idea from I Spy DIY. I thought that this would be a cute and fun project to make. Here's what you will need.
  1. Sweatshirt
  2. Gems  (2 packs from Joann's for $2.25 each)
  3. Needle and thread
  4. Glue (optional)
  5. Ruler (optional)