Mid-Week OOTD - Detached Collars

Hey there! It's Wednesday and it's time for my OOTD for work. I know I'm kind of late, but I really like the detached collar trend. You can buy it already made or you can make it yourself. It comes in different prints and patterns and with many embellishments such as studs, pearls, and diamonds. A few weekends ago, I went to a couple of thrift stores specifically to find some shirts that I can make my collars with. I found one with a nice print and one that was all white (yes it was both clean and white).

The printed collar I left as is. The white collar I will change the clear plastic button with a more fancy looking one. I may add some embellishments to the corners of the collar. All it takes to make one of your own is by cutting below the seam that is between the collar and the rest of the shirt. You can then add the embellishments of your choice. Even though I was only supposed to be shopping for collared shirts, I found a pair of nice ankle pants with a cute pink and cream pattern. Here is how I wore them together.

What do you think of the detached collar trend? Do you have any embellished collar shirts?

Outfit Details:
Sweater - Target Similar, Pants(thrifted) Similar - H&M, Collar (thrifted), Blazer - H&M Similar, Shoes - Lucky Brand, Rings/Bracelets - DIY, Cross Necklace(old) - F21 Similar

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