
Mimi G Style Sewing, Fashion and Style Conference


This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend Mimi G's second annual sewing and style conference in Los Angeles. I was able to attend through a last minute giveaway that was sponsored on Mimi's site. You guys know I was super excited when I found out that I won because 1. I want to be like Mimi when I grow up and 2. I never win anything. At least not in this capacity, although I have been winning things in the past few months. Must be blogger luck. :-) The event was two days of very useful information and tips regarding, sewing, styling, and fashion. There were about 80 women from all over like Texas, Florida, Chicago, Boston and even Canada to name a few. I met some wonderful sewists and hobbyists and made some new friends along the way. We were given gift bags from Michael Levine and went fabric shopping in the garment district. There are so MANY fabric stores. There were blocks and blocks of them all carrying fabric and the cool part was that almost no 2 shops carried the same fabrics. As an attendee, I was given the option of a plus 1. I knew Mel  wouldn't have been interested So I gave it to fellow blogger Diane from Vintage Zest. I had recently joined her FB sewing group and she asked if she could she be my plus 1 if I didn't already have one. Of course you can! The funny part about that was that I had no idea what Diane looked like. She has absolutely zero pictures of her face posted anywhere. On the first day of the event she found me when I followed her on twitter when I used the #mimigstyle to make a tweet about it. Good thing I have my face posted everywhere huh? :-) Anywho, the event was awesome and I thought I'd shared some photos that I took.